People are fickle

People are fickle

This isn’t exactly new news.

But in context of both increasing inter-changeability and increasing complexity of products and services, it becomes a significant variable for brand experiences.

Slow load-speeds were last OK 15 years ago; substandard UEX design deters prospects since probably 2011 (definitely since 2014); inadequate customer service has been creating Karens since Twitter; even cosmetic product deficiencies can break trust in a brand…

The brand with the highest volume share within a category usually sets the standards for end-to-end delivery.

Thus, in a world full of fickle people, ample competition, and low switching cost, brand managers best obsess over meeting (or beating) standards across the entire end-to-end brand experience. Not just the seemingly differentiating “moments that matter”.



No brand’s Land

No brand’s Land